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8 steps to get an NDIS SIL assessment

Published on: May 7, 2021 at 01:15

How do you get a SIL assessment to get Supported Independent Living (SIL) included in your NDIS plan?

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Some NDIS participants have high needs and require a lot of support each day. It makes sense for them to have Supported Independent Living (SIL) in their plan, and for some with physical support needs to live in Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA) too. You can read about what the NDIS says about SIL here.

We often help participants who are coming to us out of rehab or hospital to get SIL funding. Sometimes they come to us for up to 28 days of Short Term Accommodation (STA) or up to 90 days of Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) while they’re getting their SIL assessment.

So we are experts in getting SIL assessments done.

Here are our 8 steps.

  1. Ask your LAC or planner for funding for a support coordinator to be included in your plan. You’ll find it stated in the capacity-building section.
  2. Get a support coordinator you trust. If you’re not sure where to find one, we can make a recommendation, or you can get in touch with Clickability ( to find one in your area.
  3. Make sure the support coordinator knows an excellent Occupational Therapist (OT).
  4. Get the OT to give you a functional assessment. This shows the NDIS your particular needs and demonstrates why you need SIL.
  5. If you think you will also require SDA, you’ll need the OT to give you a housing assessment as well.
  6.  Gather any other supporting documentation about your disability and your needs. This might include a letter from a GP, psychologist, hospital staff, or other clinical supports.
  7. We recommend you ask your support coordinator to call us. Our CEO will have a chat with them and make sure they’re on track to getting SIL for you.
  8. Finally, you might decide to come to stay with us for a few days with Short Term Accommodation (STA) funding and we can help you out with getting all these assessments done. This also means you can see what you need in terms of customised Assistive Technology (AT) to live in one of our houses.

You can contact us here, or call us on 1300 555 365.

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