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Supported Independent Living (SIL)

SIL in Sydney, the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich & Redcliffe.

Supported independent living is one type of support to help you live in your home. It includes help or supervision with daily tasks and supports you to live as independently as possible, while building your skills.

Although everyone wants to live independently, it can sometimes be difficult for people with a disability to achieve. Sometimes that’s because it’s hard to find accessible accommodation, and sometimes it’s because of the support required.

That’s where Thrive 365 comes in. We offer support that is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. We have a Person Centered Active Support model behind our care. 

We offer that support in properties we manage on behalf of NDIS participants. Each property ranges from double-room apartments to houses that support three to four participants each. We model our rosters and support around the needs and goals of our Participants that live within the homes we service. 

Here’s some information about how to get SIL funding included in your NDIS plan.

Support Independent Living services from Thrive365

These include – 

  • Help to get ready for the day
  • Help with household chores
  • Travel support
  • Food preparation and meals
  • Health and fitness support
  • Assistance with appointments, medication and personal care

We’re proud to offer flexible, individualised solutions that fit the needs of many community members of all ages and physical and emotional needs.

If you or your loved one is ready to continue living life to the fullest and receive the assistance they need, get in touch with us today.

The Thrive365 Difference

You have many choices in Daily Assisted Living Support, and we are the number one choice for a few reasons:

  • Qualified and certified staff with experience that counts.
  • Flexible services to match your needs.
  • High standards for quality of service.

We develop a support team around you. Ready to start your daily assisted living support plan? Get in touch with us so can help discuss your options.

For You

Frequently Asked Questions

If a participant has a new goal to explore home and living options or a change in circumstances, they are encouraged to complete a Home and Living supporting evidence form.

They can submit this form:

  • within 100 days of their plan end date, for consideration during a scheduled plan review
  • with a Change of situation or change of details form, or
  • with a Request for a review of a decision form.

Participants don’t have to complete the form but it helps document any home and living goals, their current circumstances, strengths, barriers and ongoing requirements.

The form will help them select the correct option based on their current needs.

The aim of the home and living supports decision process is to make sure the NDIS funds the right option for participant’s care and support that will work for them now, and in the long-term.

The NDIS consider if the supports will assist the participant to:

  • pursue their goals
  • improve or sustain their functional capacity, helping participants do more things with less support
  • reduce or sustain their need for person-to-person supports
  • create better connections with their family, community, health services, education and employment.

We develop Roster of care submissions to help communicate the type and level of support a participant requires to the NDIS and your support team for example your Support Coordinator.

It sits alongside other information the NDIS need to decide what supports meet the participant’s needs and the amount of support that is reasonable and necessary, including:

  • any assessments of the participant’s support and accommodation needs
  • allied health professional reports
  • daily support needs reports.

We only require a roster of care in two situations:

  • As part of the supporting information for a participant’s first plan with SIL.
  • If the participant has experienced a change in circumstances, and this change in support needs can’t be delivered within the participant’s existing funding.

We do not require a roster of care if one of the above situations is not present.

A roster of care does not determine the amount or type of support the participant will get in their plan. Any support must be discussed and agreed with the participant and delivered within their approved budget. This is where Thrive365 can assist you and or Support Coordinator to navigate through the NDIS review preparation and assist you in your transition into a new home.

SIL means supported independent living, the actual support services you receive in your home. SDA is specialist disability accommodation, the bricks-and-mortar house with functional and technological adaptations to make it accessible.

The cost of SIL varies. It depends on what kind of support you need. For example, some of our residents need 1:1 support all the time; others need 1:2 support to get out of bed and get ready for the day, but only 1:3 support during the day. When you apply for SIL, you put together a roster for the type and ratio of support you need, and the NDIA offers a quote based on your needs.

SIL is paid through your core budget.

We have properties in Sydney. Brisbane, Gold Coast and Redcliffe. 

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Thrive365 provides Supported Independent Living services (SIL) in Specialist Disability Accommodation sites, for NDIS participants. The property enquiry form is not for individuals seeking private or public housing, nor for employment applications. If you would like to discuss your situation further, please contact the accommodation team on 1300 555 365.